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Why Save Water?

"Anything else you’re interested in is not going to happen if you can’t breathe the air and drink the water. Don’t sit this one out. Do something.” – Carl Sagan

Fresh water is a finite resource. Yet unknowingly people waste thousands of gallons of fresh drinkable water. As the global population grows, the demand for freshwater increases, putting significant stress on our water supply. We need to carefully plan to protect and maintain both the quality and the quantity of water resources. Water is essential for all living beings, and by conserving it, we not only ensure our own well-being but also protect the environment safeguarding this life-giving resource for future generations. It's important for individuals, communities, and governments to take responsibility for water conservation. Let's all join hands in preserving this precious resource and create a sustainable future where Every Drop Counts!

Water Saved(Gallons) Money Saved Per Year
Install Low-Flow Showerhead 7,665 $50
Take 5 minute Showers 76,650 $498
Install Low-Flow Toilet 10,986 $70
Fix constantly running toilets 73,846 $480
Upgrade to high efficiency washer 14,585 $94
Use a faucet aerator, low flow faucet 15,622 $100
